People Before Profits

Tips for avoiding holiday theft

Holiday Shopping

Although we'd like to believe the holidays bring out peace on earth and good will towards men (as the Christmas carol goes), the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day tend to be prime time for criminal activity. Take some simple precautions to prevent theft during the holidays with these tips:

When holiday shopping:

  • Don't park in unlit areas at night
  • Pay more attention to strangers and your surroundings
  • Put your shopping bags in your trunk or take your packages straight home after a shopping spree—don't try to cover items on your seats with a blanket
  • Purses are targeted by criminals—ideally, carry a crossbody purse
  • Don't carry large amounts of cash, or if you do, keep it your front pocket rather than your purse or wallet

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At home:

  • Make sure your holiday gifts aren’t visible through the windows and doors of your home
  • When traveling, have a neighbor or family member visit your home frequently and pick up your newspapers and mail
  • When leaving your home at night, leave a light on or put your lights (including Christmas lights) on an automatic timer
  • Never say you’re away from home or traveling on your home phone’s voicemail message—simply say you’re unable to answer the phone at the time

During the holidays, many people unnecessarily put themselves at risk for theft and other holiday crime. Taking simple steps toward protecting yourself and your home from potential crime is the easiest way to ensure a safe and happy holiday season.

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